How would you like to sore to space? Many think it’s impossible, however, for the wealthy this dream is not out of reach. For an outrageous sum of 200,000 dollars someone can get a trip to this mysterious place. A man runs this unique business by the name of Richard Branson. He announced in September 27,2004, that his Virgin Galactic Company planned to offer commercial space flights, as of now he has sold 340 tickets to space. The home of this business is located in New Mexico, America. This 27 square mile piece of land is where the head quarters’ is located and is called “the land of enchantment.” The flights takeoff and spaceport is located here. It provides a space atmosphere. Before the passengers take there incredible, one of a kind trip, they must go through training. The training is three days and consists of familiarizing yourself with the spacecraft and learning to handle and be comfortable in zero gravity. Everything in this journey is recorded and they will be able to safe this journey forever. Then these lucky people are ready for space and beyond.
“The rocket motor has been switched off and it is quiet. But it's not just quiet, it's QUIET. The silence of space is as awe inspiring as was the noise of the rocket just moments earlier. What's really getting your senses screaming now though, is that the gravity which has dominated every movement you've made since the day you were born is not there any more. There is no up and no down and you're out of your seat experiencing the freedom
that even your dreams underestimated. After a graceful mid-space summersault you find yourself at a large window and what you see is a view that you've seen in countless images but the reality is so much more beautiful and provokes emotions that are strong but hard to define.”- A quote from Virgin Galactic.
Most people will never take vacation like this, but wouldn’t it be out of this world if you could?
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