What's the craziest place you've ever been?

This is about unbelievable places in the world that few people ever get to experience. Through this however, hopefully you will get to enjoy little parts of these amazing hideaways.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ancient Egypt

Egyptians honored their kings or Pharaohs and their queens by building them gigantic tombs called pyramids. Today we know of eighty of these that still stand today after hundreds of years. King Djoser built the first pyramid. The three; largest and best preserved were built at the beginning of the Old Kingdom in Giza; the most well known of these pyramids is the tomb for pharaoh Khufu. Estimates suggest that between 20,000 and 30,000 laborers were needed to build the Great Pyramid at Giza in less than 23 years. By comparison, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris took almost 200 years to complete. The cores of the pyramids were often composed of local limestone. Finer limestone was used for the outer layer of the pyramids, giving them a white shine that could be seen from miles away. The capstone was usually made of granite, basalt, or other hard stones that could be plated with gold or silver. Teams of oxen or manpower were used to drag the stones. Once the stones were at the construction site, ramps were built to get them into place on the pyramid.
These are incredible they even had temples and their form of writing, hieroglyphics, on the walls. Some even were made with traps and misleading passageways to protect the pharaoh.  How they did this is still a mystery. One thing for sure is you have to see these unbelievable structures to believe them!  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

There is almost a mystical presence to the island of Bora Bora. It is overflowing with legends, mysteries, and romance. This wonderful Tahiti Polynesian island paradise has the most breath taking blue waters that sparkle in the sun. There is two peaks in the center of this gorgeous island and its amazing waters. Also the islands lagoon is where you would want to spend your time windsurfing, jet skiing, scuba diving, snorkeling, or hey just plain taking in the beauty and warmth around you.
Like any place foreign, one of the major attractions to Bora Bora is the pure wonder and the mysteries and the culture. You cannot truly understand the people there and their culture until you’ve heard there myths and legends. If you ever plan on going there here are some of the many stories the people cherish. One is the story of how the island was created and is one of the most widely know legends. But like many legends there are two viewpoints.
The first states story states that the first chief of the island, Firiamata O Vavau, was born when a possessed volcanic boulder, having godly powers, mated with Mount Pahia and the island was born. He gave the island his name, Vavau.  This is was  the native people called it until European explorers came and changed it to PoraPora, which later became Bora Bora. Another legend claims that it was created as a result of volcanoes rising from the ocean shore, lifted up from the kingdom of Poseidon by Poseidon himself.
Another one of the islands beauties that is explained through legends is the black lipped pearl, known as the "pearl of queens". The legends of the island state that the pearl was first brought by Oro, the Tahitian god of peace and fertility. Oro rode a rainbow down from his home to offer the people of earth Te Ufi, a special kind of oyster. He then took the black pearl created by this oyster and gave it as a gift to the princess of Bora Bora to show his love. This pearl is still held in high esteem by the people of Bora Bora.
These are just a couple legends from the people, to find out the rest you’ll have to visit the tropical island paradise. It is truly a place like no other and you will not want to miss it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Madagascar is a place like no other in the world. It’s near Southern Africa, east of Mozambique. This island is slightly less than twice the size of Arizona and its coastline runs about 4,828 km. It’s mostly tropical all year long along the coast and temperate inland. It’s an absolutely beautiful island with a narrow coastal plain, high plateaus and maintains located in the center. Now I guess your wondering why Madagascar is so unique. Well for starters is one of the world’s top conservation priorities.  Why? Madagascar is home to plants and animals unique to this island. In other words they cant be found anywhere else in the world.
“More than 50 species of lemurs swing through the forest, and fluorescent-colored chameleons and lizards cling to trees and ferns. Brilliant red tomato frogs peek out from the jungle floor, while the majestic and huge baobab tree, called the ‘mother-of-the-forest’ by the local Malagasy people, keeps a careful watch over evolution gone wild. No one actually knows how many species exist in Madagascar today – perhaps 200,000 or more. What IS known, however, is that the majority of the endemic plant and animal species are not found anywhere else on earth, and that over 80% of the wildlife is unique to the island. Of the country’s 987 vertebrate species, 771 are endemic to the island. 12,000 species of plants and 45 percent of its 270 bird species are also endemic. These numbers are extraordinary, considering that Madagascar is roughly the size of Texas.”

Friday, October 22, 2010


These beautiful falls are located in Southern Africa. The Zambezi River leads up to this 360-foot drop. Victoria Falls run a little over a mile, it is 5,604 ft long.  It is said to be the largest waterfall in the world. Some people even consider this eighth wonder of the world.  It is located in Livingstone, Zambia.  David Livingstone is believed to have been the first European to encounter the falls. He gave them the name Victoria Falls for Queen Victoria. However they people of Zambia refer to it as 'Mosi-oa-Tunya’, which translated means, ‘Smoke that Thunders’.  The river leading up to the falls has many mini tree covered islands and the land is completely flat, you can see for miles. There are several gorges that make up these falls.  The first gorge is the one the river falls into at Victoria Falls.  The Victoria Falls Bridge spans the second gorge, 250 m south of falls. There are three more gorges and then you reach the Songwe Gorge which is 3.3 mi south, 2 mi long, named after the small Songwe River coming from the north-east, and the deepest at 460 ft, at the end of the dry season. The Batoka Gorge, It is about 75 mi long and takes the river through the basalt plateau to the valley in which Lake Kariba now lies. The best time to go is during the peak flood season somewhere between March and April. While there you can go on many different tours of the fall, walling, driving, and water trips and even Aerial trips. You can also sight see the other wonders while there such as the beauty of Africa with a Safar trip. The possibilities are endless. This is a spectacular trip to take!! Don’t wait to go, it’s a once in a life time vacation!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Three, Two, One, Liftoff

How would you like to sore to space? Many think it’s impossible, however, for the wealthy this dream is not out of reach. For an outrageous sum of 200,000 dollars someone can get a trip to this mysterious place.  A man runs this unique business by the name of Richard Branson.  He announced in September 27,2004, that his Virgin Galactic Company planned to offer commercial space flights, as of now he has sold 340 tickets to space.  The home of this business is located in New Mexico, America.  This 27 square mile piece of land is where the head quarters’ is located and is called “the land of enchantment.” The flights takeoff and spaceport is located here. It provides a space atmosphere.  Before the passengers take there incredible, one of a kind trip, they must go through training. The training is three days and consists of familiarizing yourself with the spacecraft and learning to handle and be comfortable in zero gravity.  Everything in this journey is recorded and they will be able to safe this journey forever. Then these lucky people are ready for space and beyond.   
“The rocket motor has been switched off and it is quiet. But it's not just quiet, it's QUIET. The silence of space is as awe inspiring as was the noise of the rocket just moments earlier. What's really getting your senses screaming now though, is that the gravity which has dominated every movement you've made since the day you were born is not there any more. There is no up and no down and you're out of your seat experiencing the freedom 
that even your dreams underestimated. After a graceful mid-space summersault you find yourself at a large window and what you see is a view that you've seen in countless images but the reality is so much more beautiful and provokes emotions that are strong but hard to define.”- A quote from Virgin Galactic.

Most people will never take vacation like this, but wouldn’t it be out of this world if you could?  

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Under the Sea

Key Largo, Florida is a beautiful and enchanted place. Everywhere you look you can find amazingly gorgeous sights, white sand beaches, clear blue water, breath taking sunsets and a great time for everyone. There are just so many things you can do while visiting, like wine and dine, jet ski's, parasailing. But whats under the water?
Twenty-one feet below the surface of the ocean, among the tropical mangrove habitat of the Emerald Lagoon is where you will find Jules’ Undersea Lodge. Would you like to stay in an underwater hotel? Anyone can come and join in the fun. Just to get to this amazing one of a kind place, guests must scuba dive below the hotel and enter through an opening at the bottom of the lodge. Now you may think that just because its underwater that you wouldn’t have the same comfort  and care as a regular hotel but that is completely false, the only difference is that when you look out your window, instead of seeing the vast ocean, you get to witness the wonders of the unknown life below the surface. 
This mysterious place adds to the excitement because where is it located is also a natural nursery for numerous reef fish. And, “Marine life is actually enhanced by the presence of an underwater structure”, explains Ian Koblick, owner and co-developer of the Lodge. “Jules’ Undersea Lodge serves as an artificial reef, providing shelter and substrate for marine animals. And the flow of air to the Lodge constantly adds oxygen to the entire surrounding body of water, creating a symbiotic relationship between the technology of man and the beauty of nature.” As you might also think that this is a new thing, but this lodge has actually been used for research for for fifty years. The name comes from Jules Verne, author of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. “Jules’ Undersea Lodge is a tribute to the human quest for exploration and adventure.” Will you be apart of this adventure?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who Wouldn't Want to Jump Off the Highest Mountain in the World?

Mt Everest peak reaches 29,035ft. To give you an idea of how high this is, at this hight climbers can't even breath the natural air. Over the years many have climbed this notorious mountain, some have succeeded, but many have failed and even lost these lives due to the extreme dangers of this incredible mountain.  Now climbing it is one thing, now imagine jumping from an airplane and landing on the top of this amazing mountain.

Incredible adventures is quoted, "Many have climbed it. No one has jumped it. Until now...". Can you imagine doing this, it defiantly wouldn't be for the faint of heart. In 2008, a trained team was put together consisting of highly qualified skydivers, and expert mountain climbers. Their plan, was to jump from a plane flying over the highest peak and land on the "highest drop zone in the planet".

This is a once in a life time opportunity and the best skydiving in the world. Not only can you experience the beauty of a place, that many will never see in there lifetime, but you get to experience it from the sky. Then once atop Everest the adventure continues as to start your journey down the mountain. What an adrenaline rush!  How would you like to say, "Yea, I've skydived to Everest"? Because I know I'm adding it to my bucket list.